First of all, I just wanna let you know how glad I am to be able to write something today. 3 days before 2020, I realised how much pain I have received throughout this whole year. Countless mental breakdowns and I have to rise by myself every single time. I don't know why I took so long to realise about this but a close friend of mine has recently knocked on the door for me. I realised how in the last few years, I've been spending so much time on social medias envying others' beautiful coats of life. How I spent my time asking "Why can't I be happy like anyone else?" "Why does everyone lived their life very easily?" "Why can't I be as strong as others?" when the truth is, I never knew the typhoons that they've gone through to achieve such happiness.
Since that night, I've made my decision to take a break from my social media and if possible, to never be on socmeds again. Of course, it was tough. But I really made my mind this time. So I slowly try my best to reduce my time on my Instagram and eventually got the strength to uninstalled it today. I felt awkwardly relieved. But I know this is for the best. I'm still on Twitter for now and currently trying to avoid being on twitter too much and hopefully, I could gather enough strength to uninstall Twitter too someday. Only twitter and that's it. I'm gonna be free from social media (except Whatsapp and telegram because I need those for my study lol)
So, no longer idle Instagram scrolling in my free time and now I have more free time. More free times mean I gotta fight the inner me who keeps on persuading me to be on Instagram again. It was a really strong 'monster' so I thought I need something to fill my free time. Sooooo I decided to improve my 3rd and 4th language which is Japanese and German. I already have a little bit of basic for both languages so learning 2 languages simultaneously aren't that hard for me. Quite challenging but it's a really fun ride. I aim to master these two as soon as I could and start learning French or Italian soon-yep I do wish to be a linguist but we'll see ahaha.
In case if you're curious, I downloaded Duolingo. P/s: I added Indonesian for extra points ahahaha and korean and chinese because I wish to learn those when I'm less busy lol |
But anyway, I hope I would be able to leave socmeds for good. As it brings more cons than pros. I just wish that everyone will give me proper support because this means the world to me. Well then, until we meet again. Tschüss.